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Hope House Fundraising Events

Hope House's biggest fundraising event is held twice a year, and is one of the most popular outdoor art shows in the region.

Hope House Fundraising Events
Woman holding a cat

What Makes Hope House Different?

Hope House Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization, provides services to adults with developmental disabilities exclusively in their own homes or apartments — regardless of how complex their disabilities may be.

Skeptical? Initially, many parents and family members of the over 120 people Hope House supports were, too. Their children had aged out of Hampton Roads’ special education system, and were ready for adult services and support. Many worried that cognitive limitations, medical challenges, behavioral issues, or other conditions, such as autism, would make it impossible for their loved ones to live safely in their own apartments.

But talk to those people today, and they’ll tell you how their children have not just succeeded, but blossomed. That’s because Hope House offers more than a safe and secure environment. We offer privacy, choice, and the opportunity to pursue a meaningful life.

Looking for services for you or someone you know? Learn more about what we do and apply for services.

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