Since 1984 Hope House Foundation has hosted the Stockley Gardens Arts Festival, a two-day event featuring over 125 artists from across the U.S. and overseas to participate and showcase their art in a variety of mediums, including photography, pottery, sculpture, painting, mixed media and jewelry. Stockley Gardens Park offers the festival a distinctive atmosphere with its peaceful garden setting in the heart of the historic district in Ghent, Norfolk. The festival is free and open to the public and attracts thousands of people who enjoy the art, live music, an array of food and the community atmosphere of the event held in the spring and fall each year.
If you would like to volunteer at the festival please sign-up at this link:
100% of the proceeds from the festivals support individuals with developmental disabilities supported by Hope House Foundation.
Saturday, Oct 19, 2024 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM
- After Hours Party with Lucky 757 from 5:00PM – 7PM – all welcome and it is free and open to the public.
Sunday, Oct 20, 2024 from 12:00PM to 5:00PM
Participating artists:
Abbott, Su/PA
Adams, Kathleen/PA
Aidien Shapiro, Davide/JE
Anderson, Tracy/PA
Andrews, Patrick/ME
Barnaby, Caleb/JE
Barnes, Tom/PA
Baron, Javier/JE
Bechtle, Marianne/PA
Becker, Ray/PH
Benkendorf, Jason/WO
Bond, Angela/PA
Booth, Tracy/PA
Branch, P. Muzi/PA
Brantley, Kati/JE
Bryant, Gregory/JE
Burkett, Hillary/JE
Campbell, Fatima/JE
Chagnon, Sean/PH
Chaochang, Ariannah/PO
Charney, Abigail/PO
Check, Mary Jane/PA
Cheng, John/MM
Cobb, Candace/PA
Cockman, Pui-Lan/PA
Collins, Derek/PA
Collins, MaryAnne & Bill/MM
Conner, Dana/DR
Costello, Albert/WO/JE
Dahms, Kristen/PA
Darden, Patricia/PO
Davies, Gail/GL
Delisle, Tracy/SC
Diener, Jeffrey/PH
Donis, Heather/MM
Doody, Liz/MM
Duran, Ozan/PM
Duvall, Sharon/LE
Easley, Bruce/MM
Easter, Dwight/DR
Engel, Joe/MM
Epstein, Jana/PH
Fadool, Ed/PA
Finnie, Kelsey/GL
Gal, Yoram/PA
Garthwaite, Kristi/DR
Gillen, Courtney/JE
Glassman, Alan/PH
Green, Malika/JE
Gupta, Ruchi/PO
Hall, Tricia/JE
Hardy, Steve/PM
Helfant-Frye, Andi/MM
Hill, Pamela/PA
Hopson, Tonya/PA
Hossick, Alex/JE
Jeanguenat, Chris/PA
Johansen, Leif/MM
Johnson, Brittany/DR
Johnson, Eafrica/PA
Kamolpornwijit, Wiwat/JE
Kapoor, Gopal/JE
Keene, Kim/PA
Kennedy, Kristine/JE
Kirby, Hanna/JE
Kohart, Sarah/PO
Kramer, Annette/JE
Lawrence, Ischa/JE
Lee, Letitia/PA
Liebel, Cindy/JE
Ligmont, Alyssa/PO
Liu, Weihong/PA
Lowe, Tom/SC
MacKenzie, Lance/ME
Maiwald, Andre/WO
Maxwell, Kent/MM
May, Anne/PM
McCann, Fahey/PH
McCrary, Elginia/PA
McCutcheon, Danielle/JE
McLeod, Jason/JE
Merriman, Michael/MM
Middleton, Michael/PO
Mitchell, Tony/PO
Morgan, Norman/JE
Moss, Leanne/PA
Mullen, Micah/PA
Myers, Barbra/PA
Myran, Steve/PH
Obermeyer, Ed/PA/PH
Oller, Bobby/MM
Pawlusiak, Kelly/PO
Pembroke, Gene/PH
Poole, Amber/PO
Potrafka, Cory/PO
Pratelli, Rejane/JE
Ray, Kenyatta/MM
Roberts, Scott/WO
Robins, Dicke/MM
Rodriguez-Adams, Candice/PM
Sannuto, Tanya/MM
Schappell, Melissa/MM
Sellers, Catherine/PO
Sertzen, Cesar/JE
Sleeper, Carolyn/PO
Strong, Piper/SC
Thome, Donna/JE
Tobin, John/SC
Toft, Richard/PA
Vinson, Ellen/GL
Vitkovsky, Vladimir/PA
Walko, Nickolai/MM
Wang, Yandong/ME
Watts, Jama/JE
Wenzel, Meredith/GL
West, Abigail/PM
Whitney, Kristina/PO
Wooldridge, Kathy/GL
Wylie, Terry/PA
Yuen-Schat, Ming/PO
Zagura, Anabella/JE
Zidarov, Evgeny/JE
Zidarov, Tatyana/GL
Zuk, Tom/MM
Medium Key:
PA= Painting
PM= Printmaking
JE= Jewelry
DR= Drawing
GL= Glass
MM= Mixed Media
LE= Leather
PH= Photography
PO= Pottery
ME= Metal
SC= Sculpture
WO= Wood
Live musical performances:
Saturday, Oct 19
11:00 AM Liz & Brydge/Bass & Voice Duo
12:30 PM Matt Holloman/Indie Acoustic Chill
2:00 PM Wine Dark Sea/Epic Folk & Original Americana
3:30 PM Jonah Ross/Lyrically-Driven Rock & Americana
5:00 PM Lucky 757/ Rock n’ Roll
Sunday, Oct 20
12:00 PM Felicia Hoyos/Acoustic, Pop, Rock, Soul
1:45 PM Roy Ira Moats and the Lovecats/Folk, Singer-Songwriter, Pop, Raggae
3:30 PM Fox and the Bear/Indie Americana Folk
For the most up to date information visit our Facebook Page!
Are you an artist and interested in participating?
Applications for the upcoming Spring festival in May will be open January 1st through February 15th for the 2025 Spring Festival on Here is the direct link to apply: TBD
SGAF | Date Artist Application is Available | Date Artist Application is Due |
Spring 2025 | January 1st | February 15th |
All work displayed must be original, created and executed by the displaying artist’s or artisan’s own hand and of professional quality. This work is absolutely limited to the work of a single artist or two-person collaborative team.
Photo-mechanical reproductions of an artist’s original work may be present in a small quantity in a spin tower or portfolio/bin or hung on one side of one wall, whichever is lesser. The individual prints must be clearly labeled as reproductions. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
Ineligible items include items made with commercially available molds or patterns or any item produced commercially or by anyone other than the artist. No representatives or dealers may show. Artists bringing ineligible items to the show risk disqualification. Artists violating the rules of this show or who fail to cooperate with the Festival committee will not be permitted to exhibit.
All displays will be reviewed by the standards committee at intervals throughout the show to ascertain that all items in the booth are the same or better quality as the slides submitted. The artists will be required to remove ineligible items based upon the show’s standards. Please notify the Arts Festival Committee if you see any infractions of the standards.
Emerging Artists
Applicants for the Emerging Artist Exhibit for the Stockley Gardens Fall Arts Festival on Oct 19th & 20th must be currently enrolled in a college, university, high school, or be a recent graduate.
The application can be found below and must be turned in with artwork by Friday, September 20th, 2024.
Application Form and Exhibit Rules
For more information contact Laura DeVore at
Best in Show
sponsored by Helen G. Gifford Foundation
The Alexis Reass 1st Place Memorial Award
sponsored by Dick and Madelyn Reass, in memory of their daughter Alexis.
The “Melayna Sophia” 2ND PLACE Award
Decorum, Palace Shops & Palace Stations, Ghent
3rd Place Memorial Award
sponsor remains anonymous and is in honor of all who volunteer to make the arts festival fun and successful
Norfolk Artist Award
sponsored by Norfolk Commission of the Arts & Humanities
Ed Carson Memorial Award (Spring Show ONLY)
Claudia Mackintosh, Chandler Realty
Award of Merit
Changes City Spa
Randy Smith Memorial Award (Spring Show ONLY)
Scott & Cindy Mackey, Mackey Ink
The Barnes Page Best Emerging Artist Award
sponsored by Anonnie Mus in memory of Gail Barnes & Judy Page who taught us how to love the arts.
Place Emerging Artist Award
Friends of Stockley
Place Emerging Artist Award
Friends of Stockley
Place Emerging Artist Award
Friends of Stockley
Best Friend Forever
- Matthew McKeon & Vince Zentner
- Anonymous
Best Friend
- Brooks Johnson & Germaine Clair
- Edward Jones Investments, Irene O’Brien, Financial Advisor
- Doug and Kathy Knack
- Howard Rodman
- Mary Jane Sufficool
- Laura Henderson/BizConnect Hampton Roads
- Kate & Drew Landman
- Gary & Muriel Hecht
- Ann & Richard Stenberg
- Bill Goodbar
- Eastern Virginia Orthodontics: Dr. Anthony Peluso & Dr. Ross Savage
- Debra Keeling
- Randall W. Smith, CPA PC
- Diverse Hampton Roads
- Deborah Thorpe in honor of Elena Montello
- Mike French in memory of Mary Kelly