Generosity comes in many forms, and it's often the best way for you to support important causes that matter the most to you in your life. Make your life’s legacy one of hope, belonging, and equality. By including Hope House Foundation in your will or trust you are providing a meaningful way to help us continue to serve adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their homes and live a life of their choosing.

Disabled adult comfortable in her home

Legacy gift options include


A Bequest is the most common planned gift; the easiest to make and costs nothing during the donor’s lifetime. A Bequest can be included in your last will and testament or living trust that directs a specific asset, total dollar amount, or percentage of your residual estate to be given to a charity.


Publicly traded Appreciated Securities that a donor has owned for more than one year can be transferred to a nonprofit organization. The nonprofit then sells the securities and keeps the proceeds, which can be applied to whatever purpose the donor designates. The donor gets an income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities while also avoiding capital gains tax.


A donor can designate a charity as a Life Insurance policy beneficiary. When the time comes, the nonprofit receives the proceeds. This allows the donor to provide a large gift to benefit a nonprofit — often more than they’d be able to donate outright. The donor’s heirs benefit as well, because policy proceeds distributed to a nonprofit are exempt from estate tax.

Advised Fund

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) gives long-term support with immediate tax benefits. A donor advised fund is set-up at a financial institution and gives you the opportunity to support Hope House Foundation long-term while receiving the tax benefit immediately. Like a charitable savings account, you put money in your DAF and receive the tax benefit, potential growth is tax-free, and then you can recommend the amount of your choice to send to Hope House Foundation in the form of a grant.
