Playing basketball in tudedo shirt

Considerations for Admission

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Considerations for Admission

Thank you for choosing Hope House Foundation as a potential service provider. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live a life of his/her own choosing. However, with independence and choice comes responsibility for health and safety. There are basic guidelines that we all need to follow in order to be a safe and effective member of the community. As a service provider, we will work in partnership with you and your support team to incorporate your needs and wishes into your service plan. Your support plan must also ensure health and safety measures are addressed. In order to help you prepare for this potential partnership, we ask that you review the following considerations for admission. If you are able and willing to agree to these elements, you may be ready for this type of support. If you are not able or willing to commit to these elements, our services may not be the best match for your needs and desires at this time.

Accept our Support.

We will work together with you and your support team to create a service plan that meets both your needs and desires. We ask that you allow us to provide the agreed upon support on a regular basis. Please let your team coordinator know if you would like to schedule a meeting with your support team (staff, family, case manager, etc) to discuss potential changes to your support plan.

Follow all state and federal laws.

This means not using illegal substances or participating in illegal activities. Staff provide support in your home. Just as we want you to be safe, we need to provide a safe working environment for staff as well. This also includes following all housing authority and lease requirements. Failure to follow those requirements may result in a loss of your lease and/or housing benefits.

Communicate with us.

We are responsible for reporting certain emergency situations, which includes notifying key members of your support team and our licensing officials if someone we support is missing or out of our care longer than expected. We have a variety of ways we can work together to find the least intrusive way for you to let us know where you are.

Participate in your plan of care with medical professionals.

This includes taking prescribed medication that is important to your health and the safety of those around you. If you are unhappy with a medication, we will work with you to schedule additional time with your medical professional to discuss the situation.

Make safe choices for yourself and those around you.

While the apartment is yours, inviting guests to your home that could pose a threat to your safety or the safety of staff and neighbors is not supported. We require a safe working environment for the direct support professionals that come into your home to provide you with the support you need to live independently.

Understand the scope of our services.

We provide In Home support for activities of daily living. We are NOT a mental health, crisis or substance abuse treatment program. If a primary support need or the cause of an excessive level of supervision falls within the scope of mental health, crisis or substance abuse support, we may not be the right type of provider for you. We will work with you and your support team to find additional resources and/or another support provider that may be able to assist you with your support needs.
