Benefit Procurement & Maintenance

  • SSI
  • SSDI
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Food Stamps (SNAP)
  • Fuel Assistance
  • Housing Vouchers
  • VA benefits
  • Civil Service benefits
  • Appeal cases
  • Representative Payee Services

Dressing and Clothing Care

  • Assist with wearing clean clothing
  • Dressing
  • Maintaining a neat appearance
  • Assisting with laundry
  • Repairing clothing
  • Assist with the purchase of clothing

Family Support

  • Serve as liaison with family members
  • Assist families with accessing community resources
  • Assist individuals supported with accessing family members
  • Encourage family involvement with individuals supported


  • Prepare monthly budgets
  • Cash benefit/paychecks
  • Pay bills
  • Handle and secure cash
  • Assist with purchases
  • Serve as liaison with bill collectors
  • Open/maintain/close bank accounts
  • Intervene in financial crises
  • Interest free loans
  • Negotiate payment plans and write offs
  • Obtain scholarships
  • File taxes

Household Maintenance

  • Use of cleaning equipment
  • Cleaning
  • Home repair and maintenance


  • Assist with weddings and divorces
  • Assist with gaining visitation rights
  • Seek assistance with legal/court system when needed

Meal Planning and Preparation

  • Nutrition (inc. dietary restrictions)
  • Grocery lists
  • Menu planning
  • Grocery purchase and storage
  • Table setting
  • Use of appliances
  • Cooking
  • Dishwashing
  • Dining skills


  • Schedule and attend annual physicals
  • Schedule & attend semi-annual dental appointments
  • Schedule and attend routine medical appts. (i.e., neurologist, dermatologist, podiatrist, etc.)
  • Schedule and attend mental health appts. (i.e., psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, etc.)
  • Respond to medical emergencies
  • Order medications & fill prescriptions
  • Oversee administration of medications
  • Coordinate hospitalizations (medical & psychiatric)
  • Perform first aid
  • Maintain health record
  • Immunizations

Personal Care

  • Creation and implementation of Personal Care Instructions for things such as bathing, the use of hygiene products, oral hygiene car, nail care and toileting.
  • Hair care


  • Provide voter education information
  • Provide assistance with voting
  • Attend public hearing/rallies
  • Local and national advocacy
  • Provide education on rights


  • Correspondence
  • Bills
  • Benefit information

Recreation/Social Activities

  • Utilizing community resources
  • Vacations
  • Planning activities and volunteer experiences


  • Securing apartments


  • Therapeutic Consultation Services
  • Carrying ID
  • Locking doors
  • Using equipment/appliances safely
  • Responding to emergencies (calling 911)
  • Accessing HHF on-call emergency system
  • Testing smoke alarms
  • Practicing evacuation procedures
  • Smoking safely


  • Understanding sexuality
  • Understanding relationships
  • Practicing safe sex

Telephone Usage

  • Making calls
  • Receiving calls


  • Crossing Streets
  • Riding city bus
  • Utilizing handi-ride services
  • Purchasing bus passes and tickets

Vocation/Day Activities

  • Liaison with vocational/day support staff
  • Provide staffing when people are home due to illness, vacation, suspension, etc.
  • Monitor employee benefits


  • Correspondence
  • Applications
  • Bills


  • Meet state licensure regulations
  • Maintain records for all the individuals we serve
  • Document all services provided
  • Compile monthly reports for services board
This is a general list of services provided by Hope House Foundation.
Services are in no way limited to these items.